Superheroes are all the rage these days. It turns out that society loves a good story about someone saving the day. There’s something that keeps us interested when we see people who on the outside might seem ordinary, but once they change their clothes they become someone extraordinary. We love them! Batman. Wonder Woman. Superman.Continue reading “Semicolon to the rescue: The Supercomma”
Tag Archives: Grammar
Dangling Modifiers: When things aren’t clear
There are some grammar rules that society loves to poke fun of. The writers on Brooklyn 99 love a good grammar joke. (See Season 2, Episode 3 “Jimmy Jab Games” when Holt says, “You want to hear the funniest thing ever? I also split an infinitive and she didn’t notice”.) Poking fun of someone whoContinue reading “Dangling Modifiers: When things aren’t clear”