I picked up K.A. Tucker’s book Say You Still Love Me at the library and was surprised that I hadn’t read any of her books yet. How could I have missed out on romance novels published by a Canadian with long holds lists at my local library? I know now, and I have a fewContinue reading “A Romance Review: Say You Still Love Me”
Category Archives: Reading
A Romance Review: A Kiss of the Siren’s Song
I bought E.A.M. Trofimenkoff’s book from Chapters, but that’s not where I heard about it. Remember that glorious moment in the early spring when Threads was all about Canadian authors and Canadian books? That’s where I found E.A.M. Trofimenkoff. The graphics and cover of the book are stunning, and I was definitely intrigued by theContinue reading “A Romance Review: A Kiss of the Siren’s Song”